
guest post!!

my hilarious friend, fellow spanish-music lover, tennis parter (and sometimes coach), and frequent partner-in-crime dave hammerman requested a guest post on my blog and he was too excited about the opportunity that i couldn't turn him down!! it's oh so flattering....but as hammie says, all so true!!  hammertime, TE AMO!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0eWmFEoJ14)
this is my friend dave...can't you see why i miss HIM?!?! 

SO we here at Georgetown University in this great nation known as the United States of America (that’s right AMERICA, we can kick your ass) miss the Bear like crazy. In that vein or is it vain??? I decided to count down our top five reasons that we miss the Bear. Some are funny, some are sentimental, all are la

5) The Beara Laugh
If any of you know Sarah Henningsen, you know her laugh. It’s been described by some (aka me) as a dying sea otter whereas others have said its like a seal. Either way, we miss that effing laugh.

4) Gab’s is freakishly tall at Thirds
So many of you know or know of the infamous Gabriela Gentil, aka Pablo’s wife (oh wait, am I not supposed to say that)….Well anyway she loves going to Thirds and Rhinbro but she is now freakishly tall in a land of short lax players. When Bear is around Gabs fits right in, but now those long beautiful legs just stand out! Fear not Gabs, January is around the corner.

3) There’s left over food at Leos
We all know the Bear isn’t shy about eating. I’ve easily gained 10 pounds off the food that she would normally finish for me. This extra weight does not make training for a marathon any easier. Oh and who else can we count on to keep Tuscany pizza in business.

2) Cow on Ice
I don’t know if any of you have had the privaledge of playing tennis with the great Bear, but I have. She wails on the ball yet if you drop shot her she falls over her two feet. In fact, she trips over her feet just strolling around on the well paved cobble stone of P Street.

1) She’s cuddly
Beara is sooooo sweet and nice. How could we not miss her (awwww) Oh and there is nobody better to watch Glee with!

The Hamster aka Hammy 

1 comment:

  1. hahaha omg he read this out loud to me and i died but i just died again seeing it on the blog LMFAO. he is right tho, we meeeeesssss youuuu!
